Monday, March 18, 2019

Gym entrance details

I have been holding out on completing the gym entrance because I hoped I would find a better photo of the stonework. Sadly, this photo is missing. I instead used a very low resolution photo to model the stone finials, and repeated the foliage from the Race street entrance. In addition, I cleaned up the indoors part of the entrance by modeling the wrought iron bars on the stairs and brick arch. 

Completed gym entrance

Stonework copied from the Race street entrance

Stone finials modeled after those on the Champaign County Courthouse (also a Royer building)

Ironwork, marble, and brick arch for the interior

Monday, March 11, 2019


The original blueprints show a metal conduit for footlights in the auditorium. I remember that these were in place, but have little photographic evidence of them. This took a lot of guesswork, but the result is acceptable. Dimmers for theatrical lights had been invented by 1914, so I may add functionality to turn the lights on and off. 

Footlights as seen in 1914 blueprints

There was a free pack of fabric materials on the Epic marketplace , so I used that to update the fabric on the teaser to a more realistic velvet. The color also ended up being less saturated, and therefore more realistic. 

Finally, I added the correct trim to the science demo room, based entirely on photos from the Rosemary

Photo reference from the Rosemary.